With an infinite abundance of emerging musical and artistic talent the Operosa story continues.
Operosa nudi širok spektar karijernih mogućnosti, uključujući umjetničke uloge, rad iza scene, korisničku podršku, administraciju i fundraising.
Mnogi naši poslovi su sezonski, sa najintenzivnijim periodom rada u vrijeme festivala, ali takođe imamo i tim stalnog osoblja tokom cijele godine.
Kako biste pratili javne pozive za audicije ili otvorene pozicije audicije pozivamo vas da pratite naše društvene mreže. A ako ste zainteresovani da volontirate na festivalu popunite naredni obrazac.
Operosa offers a wide range of career opportunities including artistic roles, behind-the-scenes work, customer service, administration and fundraising.
Many of our jobs are seasonal, peaking at Festival time, but we also have a core of year-round permanent staff. For open positions and auditions we invite you to follow our social media. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill in the below inquiry form.